
Cord and Lisa Pack

Hi my name is Lisa Pack. I was raised in Liberty Utah and Cord grew up in the neighboring small town; .  Cord and I were High School Sweethearts and we were married June 27, 1986. Happy 35th Wedding Anniversary to us this year. 💕 We have 4 handsome sons (Jake, Josh, Justin and Colton) and one beautiful daughter (Marne', also an owner). However, our new true gems are our 9 energetic, loud, fun, beautiful grandkids (7 are under the age of 3). With all of our kids living less than 20 minutes away... it's always a party at our house. We cherish our family and even through the hard times we have found and continue to find true Joy through our Savior Jesus Christ and through one another. 

Cord has always been a cheerleader, supporter, and the best teammate I could ever ask for. When Marne' and I told him our dream of he was ecstatic for us. Cord is the man behind . He is always helping us move fixtures, hangs everything, and believe it or not gives us the best ideas for what should do next. His creativity is priceless. 

Sam & Marne' Grange

Hi my name is Marne' Grange, and this is my adorable family. Our family is changing quickly which means this picture is outdated. We are missing our newest princess that joined the family on December 31, 2020, Naomi. She truly was the best thing of 2020 and we can't get enough of her. 

Sam and I have been married for 5 blissful years. Sam completely swept me off my feet on our first date. When he dropped me off I said "Wow I am going to marry that boy", and I did. 🥰 We have 3 gorgeous little girls; Molly, Lexi and Naomi. If you follow on instagram you have seen our little full of personality Molly here and there. She is hilarious and if you need a little light in your life follow us on instagram for Molly's Monday Reviews. Lexi is our little spit fire and loves everything animals. She's quite the chatty cathy so you'll be seeing her on insta as well. Naomi has found rolling to be a great way of transportation. Her giggle and smile are contagious. 

Sam is a total superman when it comes to supporting me with . He is continually helping us dream of whats next and watches these three littles when I need to work. 

How was Born

We are so excited to serve you and celebrate with you. We could have you read this long story about how Disneylandsl was born, but we figured it would be more fun to meet in person. Click the video below. Thanks for Celebrating with us!